Regional-Local Coordination of Land Use, Housing, and Transportation Strategies

Team: Jackson Mills and Thomas Howe

Description: This project focused on evaluating how localities have responded to Regional Transportation Plans and Sustainable Communities Strategies (RTP/SCS) put out by MPOs. Federal and state regulations require that every MPO in California adopt a new RTP/SCS every four years. The purpose of these documents is to provide a long-range vision, plan, and implementation strategies for transportation, housing, land use, and more, in every metropolitan region. These documents are crucial to examine in order to understand the policy actions and coordination taking place on a regional and local level related to transportation and land use. We examined what strategies MPOs have used to promote local implementation of their plans contained within the RTP/SCS, as well as the degree to which local land use and transportation plans aligned with the MPOs’ regional plans. We compiled this data into one document to compare the RTP/SCSs of each of the major MPOs. Our findings are preliminary, but when complete, will provide a basis for conducting interviews with MPO and local planning department staff, for a research project being conducted for the California Air Resources Board (CARB) by a UC Davis research team over the next two years. CARB is the state agency which oversees administration of SB 375. 

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